Eilt! Internationaler Protest gegen Ozeandüngung

Über LOHAFEX, das deutsch-indische Eisendüngungsprojekt vor der südamerikanischen Küste, habe ich hier schon geschrieben. Auf dem Weltsozialforum in Brasilien wurde Ende Januar ein Protestschreiben verfasst, das die ETCgroup kommende Woche auf einer hochkarätig besetzten Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz in Kopenhagen einbringen wird.

Jetzt ist Gelegenheit, sich zu äußern. Aber es muss schnell gehen! Lest die Dokumente, hier, bei der ETC-Group, beim Alfred-Wegener-Institut, auf der Wikipedia. Besonders lesenswert finde ich diese Pressemitteilung des BMU!

Schickt Eure Wortmeldungen bis DIENSTAG; DEN 10.03. in den frühen Morgenstunden an Verónica Villa und Jim Thomas von der etcgroup: <veronica@etcgroup.org> und <jim@etcgroup>.

Hier ein Blogbeitrag von ETC zum Mitdiskutieren!

Ihr könnt schreiben: „We / I hereby sign the WSF statement on ocean fertilization to be presented at the Copenhagen conference next week.“


Und nun der Aufruf in englischer Sprache und ganzer Länge:

The better world we seek is not Geo-engineered!

A Civil Society Statement against Ocean Fertilization

Issued from Belém, Brazil, January 2009

Since the World Social Forum last met in Nairobi in January 2007, civil society organizations from around the globe have confronted an alarming new threat to our rights and biodiversity: the threat of unjust and high risk geo-engineering schemes and specifically ocean fertilization. We are facing off against several multimillion-dollar private and government-backed projects that aim to re-engineer our climate and oceans. We will soon face other attempts to intentionally alter our soils, deserts and other ecosystems on a large scale in the name of climate protection and profit-making, including the lucrative carbon trade.

In June 2007, we learned that Planktos Corporation of USA was planning to dump iron in the oceans west of the Galapagos Islands in order to fertilize the sea to spur the growth of plankton blooms. Concerted civil society action prevented this dump and forced Planktos out of business. In November 2007 we learned that another ocean fertilization outfit, Ocean Nourishment Corporation of Australia, was intending to dump hundreds of tons of industrially produced urea in the Sulu Sea in the Southern Philippines. Once again concerted action by hundreds of civil society groups put a stop to that dangerous experiment. Even as some of us meet in Belém, a German-Indian expedition, codenamed LOHAFEX, is dumping iron sulphate over 300 square kilometres of water in the Scotia Sea. LOHAFEX is flouting an international moratorium on such experiments and acting against the wishes of the German Environment Minister. We have also learned that geo-engineers closely linked to Ocean Nourishment Corporation will be trying again to dump urea – this time in the Tasman Sea near Australia – in early March and that Climos, Inc. of the USA are in the planning stages of another dump.

We, the undersigned are opposed to the LOHAFEX experiment currently taking place in the Scotia Sea and all other ocean fertilization schemes. We call on the world’s governments and civil society:

  • To strengthen the global moratorium on ocean fertilization agreed to at the 2008 meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity to ensure that LOHAFEX will be the last ocean fertilization experiment that goes ahead.
  • To oppose ocean fertilization and other high-risk geo-engineering schemes as potentially devastating to people and ecosystems and the wrong answer to climate change.
  • To oppose the geo-engineers who want to turn our oceans into a vast, open-air experiment and the carbon credit profiteers who support this for the purpose of carbon-trading.

We remind geo-engineers and their backers that not only is our world not for sale – it is not for them to tinker with either.

The fundamental solutions to the climate crisis lie in the protection and stewardship of our forests, oceans and soils, respect for the rights and practices of indigenous peoples, small farmers and forest peoples, and putting an end to all forms of over-consumption. The way forward lies in choosing truly renewable, equitable and non-exploitative forms of energy and other climate change responses that do not involve risky techno-fixes and carbon trading. Ocean fertilization and other unjust and high risk geo-engineering schemes are the wrong answer to the challenge of global climate change. The better world we seek is not geo-engineered!.

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PS: Ist ja nett: Gerade sehe ich, dass jemand zwei Artikel vom Commonsblog in die Wikipedia gestellt hat.

foto on flickr by Ferran

3 Gedanken zu „Eilt! Internationaler Protest gegen Ozeandüngung

  1. Pingback: Eilt! Internationaler Protest gegen Ozeandüngung

  2. dies ist ja eine fortsetzungsaktion beim protest gegen die ozeandüngung. es ist einfach wichtig, auf den verschiedensten plattformen aktiv zu bleiben, denn die illusionären und schädlichen pläne für aktivitäten des geo-engineering sind noch lange nicht aus welt!
    la lutta continua!
    rüdiger stegemann

  3. Pingback: Ruderfußkrebse beenden LOHAFEX-Debatte « CommonsBlog

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